Sunday, January 22, 2023


Winding my way through the typical slow time of the year for the outdoors. It was one more time with the Hilltown Hikers meeting in Becket near the Washington town line. Back in the days of the Great Depression this area was one - of many - Civilian Conservation Corps camps that put many a young man to work. Although a good number of old relics could still be located, working from old photographs we could tell even more had gone missing over the intervening years.

Unkamit's Path is suppose to go through this area but any sign seemed to be lost. In the area a pretty little stream named Shaker Mill Brook ran. An old mill dam was present, one that dated back to at least mid 1800s.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Pontoosuc Turnpike

The old Pontoosuc Turnpike. An early road from Westfield to Pittsfield - and beyond! The Turnpike also provided a convenient rout through the hills for an early railroad that soon followed. Remains can still be found by the intrepid explorer. On this day we made such a search, also trying to pin down more of Unkamit's Path. With some poking around - and directions from the 1960s - we did ultimately find old blazed portions of Unkamit's. We also realized the Turnpike also provided a large section of the trail route. Not surprisingly, old foundations of homes and a possible sawmill were present.

Sunday, January 1, 2023

First Day

Ah, First Day and the start of a brand new year! A large gathering descended upon Sanderson Brook Falls in Chester to help celebrate 2023. Overall, the day was nice but the conditions extremely icy. Spikes provided the right recipe for success! Afterwards, it was further down the road to Russell and a search for some reported giant size garnets. Unfortunately, not to be found!