Saturday, August 7, 2021

Mine all Mine

Another opportunity to join the Western Mass Hilltown Hikers, and 'old' hiking partner Tom, for further explorations in the Town of Chester. Chester has repeatedly provided an abundance of history and geology over my many years. So always great to get back there again. The goals on this trip were the Melvin and Wright Mines.

Approaching from the south, it was a bit of a hike in but our first objective, the Wright Mine, we eventually located after following old roads, crossing a stream and a bit of bushwhacking. Wright was an open cut with some water in the bottom. It could be carefully traversed with the aid of some (slippery) logs. Ascending out the far end provided a mild challenge.

The old Melvin Mine

Making our way further north, a bit of hunting was necessary to bring us to the Melvin Mine. Along the way, a couple filled pits and remnants of other old mining features were encountered. Melvin was a much more spacious open cut who's bottom was mostly covered with a good amount of water. After photos, and exploring what we could, the Hilltown Hikers retraced their route back while Tom and I cut across the countryside. A small quartz quarry was encountered along the way before emerging from the woods and locating our car.