Saturday, November 19, 2022

Chester. Oh, Chester!

Out in the wilds of Chester MA once again, is a lost burial site. A couple of previous attempts to find it by Hilltown Hikers had proved fruitless. With a larger group - and hopefully a bit more information - we descended near Chester Center The original center for the town pre railroad days.

A large tract of land was covered that constituted a pretty thorough search. But again, we left empty handed with three graves still hiding somewhere out there. As we parted ways with our noble hike leader Liz, several us us took off on our own exploring. Nearby was Hiram's Tomb so that was next on our agenda. We finished this trip with a visit to a quartz quarry right in Chester Center followed by the Center's cemetery. Here, one can find the parents of Hiram Smith (of Hiram's Tomb fame) resting away in a more conventional fashion.