Tuesday, April 11, 2023

One of the formations at the Potholes

First real opportunity to get back out to the so-called potholes of southern Berkshire. Some of these horizontally formed features caught our eyes back in December. The second look was well worth the effort. Personally, I have some doubts about their relationship to how potholes form but readily admit it is beyond the range of my limited knowledge. I went solo on this trip and had a good look at the area. From the top of the major 'hole', which is over 150 feet wide and 55 feet deep, to some large breakdown and a descent to ledges of further interest. I see plenty of ancient movement in sections of those ledges and a large amount of 'scoured out' rock laying below them.

Anyway, it will take a lot more geologic knowledge than I possess to figure out what has happened here. It does look like a significant amount of water was involved.

One of the formations at the Potholes