Saturday, May 28, 2022

Picking up again with the Western Mass Hilltown Hikers, the object of our adventure was the Conway State Forest. We were accompanied by local resident/expert Pauline along old roads from early in the town's history. We passed a site where a schoolhouse once existed, eventually arriving at the small, well kept, Maynard Cemetery. Across the road was a beautiful cellar hole in superb condition.

We had contemplated visiting Cricket Hill Cave (my last visit: 2008) but passed by its access point as we rambled southward. Continuing on down along Avery Brook we 'bottomed out' in elevation. Here some members elected to take the shortest route north to the cars, completing a circuit of Cricket Hill. A few members went on to check old mill sites further downstream.

On the drive home, my hiking partner, Tom, and I stopped by to looked at Hampshire County's Counterfeiters Cave. Which has once again had its entrance blocked with a large boulder. It had been open for a short period around 2015 and explored by local cavers along with Rhode Island friend Mike.