Friday, March 31, 2023

Foothills of Tekoa

Dam site for the old Tekoa Reservoir

Back into the foothills of Tekoa Mountain! Using a favorite Westfield approach, we visited the old Tekoa Reservoir, now minus its two dams and drained. Then it was off through the woods of the Grace Robson Sanctuary to locate the old homestead of Richard Falley, which would later become the Robson home. Then it was a couple of town boundary markers and along Moose Meadow Brook to the location of Falley's gun shop (Revolutionary War muskets) followed by a rum production site.

Millstone for the old gun shop

Following along Unkamit's Path we soon came out on the challenging ridge leading up Tekoa. This was only followed a short distance before we returned to Moose Meadow Brook on the Grace Robson Sanctuary Trail. Just below the road crossing, lies the remains of an old grist mill dam.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Unkamit's - where are you?

I returned to the wilds of Becket still reeling from significant amounts of snow. It was a long shot but Unkamit's Path wound through these woods. I took a shot at seeing if any pathway - or blazes - could be located. None was found by this individual! Hopefully, others will have better luck as we work to put this old hiking trail back in shape.

The old Shaker Mill Dam

Friday, March 24, 2023


Returning to the quintessential hilltown of Russell, a small group of Hoilltown Hikers gathered at the base of Shatterack Mountain where Unkamit's Path comes wandering through. Recent storms left the woodlands very much in doubt as to trail conditions. A more formal group hike was scheduled the following (re-scheduled to the next day) so this was for the purpose of a preliminary trail check.

Impressive glacial boulder on Shatterack Mountain approach

The steep hike went off without a hitch. Some branch clearing was involved. And leader, Liz, spruced up the white blazes used on the Path. Upon completion, we went down the Westfield River to check out a dam with an impressive water flow and falls.