Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Aquidneck ... and vicinity.

Four days of pretty good weather were to be had on the latest vacation. So this took me down to the Narragansett Bay of Rhode Island, primarily visiting - and staying over - on Aquidneck Island.

The journey in, landed me first in Middletown where the kayak was immediately pout into use looking over a large section of coastline along the Sakonnet River. A few 'cave-like formations' showed themselves as well as the isolated pillar Woods Castle.

Woods Castle

The second day brought me over to Conanicut Island for the further exploration of a very small sea cave spotted there on my visit of September last year. I had intended to cross the Bay to Newport and do a bit of that coastline. But high surf advisory mad journeying out beyond the coves very treacherous.

The awaiting sea cave

View out of the cave

A few of the more outstanding geologic sites on Aquideneck were visited the third day. These included the Cliff Walk (portions closed for repair), Purgatory and its sand lenses, and the Pirate Cave at Newport.

On the way out, day four took me over to Tiverton to visit Fort Barton where I hoped to match an old postcard of a ledge simply marked "The Fort". No luck but a good section of ledge does exist with much overgrowth. The last stop before home was in Massachusetts where some of my favorite Dighton Conglomerate formations exist. These include Wildcat Rock, Abram's Rock, and Lion Rock.

Abram's Bedroom @ Abram's Rock