Thursday, May 12, 2016

Blackstone: The Sequel.

Continuing on with investigations into the Blackstone Valley region, several towns in its northern region were picked out to work an accumulation of information I had in hand. During two days, I pursued the report of a Dead Man's Cave, House Rock, and Shelter Rock. Library and town hall visits got the ball rolling and I await further information from a couple local sources. A drive by in the approximate area House Rock is reputed to be in, did turn up a massive outcrop of rock.

Shining Rock

Visiting this area, allowed me to drop in on several sites first visited long ago. These included King Philip's Lookout/Lookout Rock and cave beneath, Shinning Rock (old quarry site), and a cave that came to light approximately 15 years ago. The cave was in an area threatened by development, but appears safe for the immediate future.

A cave entrance in the Blackstone Valley

Ending the two day trip, was an extensive search of the woodlands above the Rhode Island border for a rock shelter mentioned in an old archeological report. Numerous rock ledges were looked over but no positive id was forthcoming.