Friday, September 7, 2018

Quonahasset and other "long rocky places".

Memories of old resurfaced when September would bring me to the South Shore. One of my favorite campgrounds is here. Some of my 'rockiest' exploits have take place in this region. But with the passing of time (and ongoing process of checking items off my list) a somewhat different approach takes place! I needed to also visit the Cape and almost opted to make a second camp there. In the end, all excursions were run from seashore area of Plymouth County. And - a total of seven different counties were visited!

The Devil's 'own' footprint - along side that of a human.

One of the largest erratics on the South Shore.

The traditional 'scenic route' started day one with a couple stops along the Charles River in Norfolk County. This allowed me my first look at Big Rock, and a return for further investigations at Indian Cave. A couple minor rock samples were brought from the later to run an elementary geologic test. It was then on to Bristol County for a quick trip to the Devil's Footprint, the largest sized of this formation I've run across. Then it was on to the coast where a second look at the gigantic Damon's Rock took place. Following that, camp was set up and I still had enough time to take in Glad Tidings Rock.

Modern times @ Profile Rock.

On day two it was decided to take that planned trip out to the Cape, so a lot of driving lay ahead. Early morning started down on Buzzards Bay at Profile Rock. This relic from days gone by is mostly buried now by beach sand. Still: approximately 40% survives above ground level. Proceeding closer to the Cape Cod Canal (where some say is the 'official' beginning of the Cape) an old favorite in Chamber (Sacrifice) Rock began the Barnstable County part of my day. From there it was on to Hokum Rock and The Pebble/Devil's Rock. Sandwiched in between the latter two, was finally locating Alms House Rock. Alms House is another giant boulder that likely lays partially buried so its true height remains a mystery. It is mostly surrounded by heavy growth making measurements and photography nearly impossible. But I came up with something around 67 feet circumference and 14 feet high. Next time I shall bring the brush cutters!

Modern day depiction of 'The Cave' - aka: The Devil's Den.

After the heavy amount of driving during the last two days, I decided to keep it close to .. ' 'home'. Once again, this involved my traditional mix of 'something old - something new'. Early morning found me hiking into a small cave I've come to call Rattlesnake Den. Local history mentions a rocky formation by that name but it's location would be a bit farther away. I followed with a half-hearted attempt (drive-by only) to see if Sunset Rock might have a secondary access. One that would not take you through the backyards of the two owners. However, it is basically tucked in between the housing development and the railroad tracks that carry traffic between Boston and the South Shore. This was followed by Lawson Park and its memorial boulders (one of which is depicted on an old postcard), a couple quick photos of Hatchet Rock, and a quick drive by of Toad Rock. This then landed me on one of the most beautiful sections of South Shore coastline where a walking tour ensued to access the Old Man of the Rocks, Pulpit Rock, and Devil's Den/The Cave. After 'cooking' out in the hot sun it was a drive past the likely Aunt Betsy's Rock.

Tunnel Rock.

Outcrop with Emerson plaque @ Franklin Park.

A little farther distance on day four brought me close to - and into - the suburbs of Boston (thank God for the GPS!). A long return to the giant boulder in the Blue Hills once know as Grepon. It is around 100 feet in circumference with heights as much as 22 feet on the backside. There is also a neat little talus cave (10.5 feet long) in the rubble at one end. Next stop brought me to Franklin Park where I've had ongoing investigations into features from its past history. A more expansive trip was made through the area between the Wilderness and 99 Steps to seek out a possible Sunset Rock and additional perched/balanced boulders. Then across Circuit Drive to look into the rock and Emerson plaque at the Overlook on Schoolmaster's Hill. The walk back to the car was via a route through small ledges that are reported to be the remains of a quarry (now filled) that has been on a postcard as Lovers Leap/Bottomless Well. The 'gem' of the day was a jaunt over to Mattapan where a large accumulation of Roxbury Conglomerate boulders yielded the forgotten Tunnel Rock. I am also hoping the lost Fairview Rock (with the location 'Neponsett' [sic]) may lie nearby.

View out of Makepeace-Manly Cave.

After a rainy night, I broke camp and moved on out to the beltway around Boston to make a quick trip into Hemlock Gorge and it's Devil's Den/Indian Cave. Not feeling up to snuff, I planned to head home from here. But a good cup of overpriced Turnpike coffee got me ready to take on one more high value target! The stop was way back in Worcester County where I pushed on through some nearly impossible overgrowth to Makepeace-Manly Cave. This small cave formation is notable for it's inscriptions from area residents during the 1800s.

Inscriptions @ Makepeace-Manly Cave.